Our Youth, Our Future Survey to Be Conducted at Wolf Creek Elementary School
On March 13th, students in 6th-8th grades will begin taking the Our Youth, Our Future survey in cooperation with the Tri-Ethnic Center for Prevention Research at Colorado State University. Participation in this survey is voluntary, anonymous, and confidential. The funding for the administration of the survey comes from a federal grant awarded to the Tri-Ethnic Center, which allows the survey to be conducted at no cost to the school. This project has been reviewed and approved by the Oglala Sioux Tribal Research Review Board and the Oglala Lakota County School District Governing Board. Parents who wish to withdraw their child from participating may do so by contacting the school front office at (605) 646-9260 and ask for Britney Has No Horse or Deanna Big Crow or you may email them at Brittny.HasNoHorse@k12.sd.us or Deanna.BigCrow@k12.sd.us. In addition, a copy of the survey is available from the school office for parents who would like to review it. Wolf Creek Elementary School believes that students’ participation in this survey will assist the school in planning, funding, and evaluating drug and alcohol prevention programs.
Media Release
March 4, 2024