Hello from Oglala Lakota County Superintendent, Connie Kaltenbach
Winter 2024-2025

Happy New Year!!
As we begin the 2025 year, I wish everyone a happy and healthy year with safety, prosperity, and happiness.
Attendance each day in school is vital for student success. Each day, we can have a full classroom of students ready to learn, which allows our teachers to provide grade-level instruction to every child.
We strive daily to provide quality education for our students, including math, reading, science, and social studies, but we also focus on the Lakota language and culture and physical education. We are fortunate in our schools to be able to provide counseling and social work services to aid our students. We can also provide health services through our school nurses, health aides, and telehealth services.
Oglala Lakota County Schools are open to all students receiving a public education, and we take our responsibilities very seriously. Every child deserves an education to help them be contributors to their families, their neighborhoods, their communities, their Tribe, their state, and their country.
We strive to improve in all areas and welcome feedback to help us be better. We are proud of our Batesland Eagles, Red Shirt Rumble, Rockyford Raiders, Wolf Creek Warriors, Lakota Tech Tatanka, and Virtual High School Students. We want them to be safe and learning in our schools, and we are happy to provide this educational service to all our families.
Thank you for being a part of our Oglala Lakota County School District. We are happy you have chosen us for your educational needs.
Wayáwapi Iyúha Aŋpétu Iyóhila Táku k’eyaš
Every Child, Every Day, Whatever It Takes
Fall 2024
Welcome Back to Oglala Lakota County Schools!
The new school year began on August 19, 2024, with buses of precious children arriving at Batesland, Red Shirt, Rockyford, Wolf Creek, Lakota Tech, and the Virtual High School.
Our staff participated in Staff Back to School Days during inservice week. Our three big goals this year are:
Attendance - Every day matters!
Academics - Every child, every day, whatever it takes!
Safety - Safety for all children and adults every day!
We look forward to a great year working with the children as they advance in their grade levels.

Oglala Lakota County Schools reminds all drivers that it's back-to-school time. Please exercise caution around schools.
Use caution when approaching a school bus with yellow lights on, as children are near. When you see a bus with red lights as children are loading or unloading, prepare to stop. Always stop for the school bus.
Oglala Lakota County School Board, Superintendent, Principals, Directors, Teachers, and Staff are our educators’ helping students build a solid foundation that will last a lifetime.
This back-to-school season, slow down and stop for the buses, and watch out for our children.
Wayáwapi Iyúha Aŋpétu Iyóhila Táku k’eyaš
Every Child, Every Day, Whatever It Takes
Meet the Oglala Lakota County School District Staff 2024

August 2024

Haŋ mitákuyapi,
Iyúha čhanté waštéya napé čȟiyuzape.
Connie Kaltenbach emáčiyapi na Pazola otȟuŋwahe el wathí.
Hello, my relatives,
I shake all your hands with a good heart.
My name is Connie Kaltenbach and I live in Martin.
I am happy you are interested in our school district. The Oglala Lakota County School District is dedicated to educating students in a warm, welcoming environment.
We have a great calendar year planned for the students in 2024-2025. We will be returning to full-day Fridays so we can better serve our students in all academic and wellness areas. We will continue our work of strengthening our students' Lakota identity. We will also continue to support student well-being while promoting grade-level content for students' success.
Summer is a busy time as our great staff of mechanics, maintenance, grounds, and custodians works to restore and refresh the facilities for the new school year. Our staff takes great pride in their work and strives to provide the cleanest facilities for our children.
We are adding new teachers to our staff, and the schools will host welcome events to introduce the new staff. Again, we encourage families to get involved in your school to support the:
Batesland Eagles
Red Shirt Rumble
Rockyford Raiders
Wolf Creek Warriors
Lakota Tech Tatanka
Virtual High School
School starts on Monday, August 19, 2024 for students.
We will welcome back our new teachers and bus drivers on August 7-9th. We will welcome back all staff on Monday, August 12th. Our District in-service will be held on August 13th.
We are the Oglala Lakota County School District, the 17th largest school district in the state.
We look forward to having the staff and students in the schools.
Education - a Team Effort!
Connie Kaltenbach, Superintendent
Wayáwapi Iyúha. Aŋpétu Iyóhila. Táku k’eyaš
Every Child, Every Day, Whatever It Takes
May 2023
Spring is here!
We celebrated School Board Recognition Month for our Oglala Lakota County School Board. Robert Two Crow, Vice President; Chuck Conroy, Board Member; Bryan Brewer, Board President; Debbie Blue Bird, Second Vice President; Angie Eagle Bull, Board Member; and Connie Kaltenbach, Superintendent.
The OLCSD School Board works very hard to provide a safe learning environment for the students in the schools. The motto, "To strengthen the Lakota identity and values of students and to assure their overall well-being and academic success," helps guide the decisions for the school district. I am honored to work with these educational leaders.

The 2022-2023 school year saw one of the worst winters we have had in decades. With feet of snow and high winds, the school district closed for 10 days due to weather. For our students, we were able to implement full day Fridays to increase our hours of instruction and ensure the students reached the required hours in session. Our staff will work through the month of May, wrapping up the end of the year on May 31st.
The first glimpses of spring in March and April, gave us hope that better times were coming. As the meadowlarks and robins returned and warmer temperatures began melting the snow drifts of December, the promise of spring rains and thunderstorms let us know we were moving towards warmer weather.
Schools are scheduling field trips and student activities. Graduations are being planned and spring testing is in full swing as we near the end of this school year.
Oglala Lakota County School District Graduations
Lakota Tech
Friday, May 12th, 2023
5:00 PM Senior Feather Tying
Saturday, May 13th, 2023
2:00 PM LTHS Graduation
Batesland School
Tuesday, May 16th, 2023
2:00 Kindergarten Graduation
4:00 PM Eighth Grade Graduation
Rockyford and Virtual High School
Wednesday, May 17th, 2023
10:00 AM Kindergarten Graduation
2:00 PM Eighth Grade Graduation
4:00 PM at Virtual High School Graduation at Rockyford
Wolf Creek
Monday, May 15th, 2023
5:00 PM Wolf Creek Feather Tying
Tuesday, May 16th, 2023
10:00 AM Wolf Creek Breakfast Banquet
Thursday, May 18th, 2023
10:00 AM Wolf Creek 8th Grade Graduation
1:00 PM Wolf Creek Kindergarten Graduation
Red Shirt
Friday, May 19th, 2023
10:30 Kindergarten Graduation
11:00 Drive Through Lunch
11:30 Eighth Grade Graduation
As the school year comes to an end this month, the planning for next year is well underway. Oglala Lakota County will be creating Professional Learning Communities (PLC) for our district and school staff. A kindergarten PLC will bring all the kindergarten teachers together each week to meet standards and achievements and share knowledge to assist each other as we help students grow. Groups of PLCs for each grade level and content area will be created to help align our work and improve our practices. We will launch the concept and begin the planning with the teachers at the end of May. This practice was used in our district fifteen years ago and created great teams of instructors; re-igniting the flame is the goal for the 2023-24 school year.
Construction projects are in the final stretch toward completion for the Wolf Creek Cafeteria expansion project and the additional space at Lakota Tech. New construction will be starting for the Track and Football Field at Lakota Tech and for the Auto/Welding Center also at Lakota Tech.
Summer improvement projects at Batesland, Red Shirt, and Rockyford are gearing up. Bus inspections and vehicle repairs are slated for summer as we seek to remedy any damage the past weather created on the vehicles.
Hiring continues throughout the district for many positions. Check out the JOBS tab for more information on applying to work in our district. We recently offered over twenty classroom teaching positions to International Teachers from the Philippines. We are excited to see our school fully staffed with certified teachers.
May your spring be filled with renewal and positive energy for a wonderful summer! I look forward to seeing everyone return in the fall!
Connie Kaltenbach, Superintendent

January 2023
Happy New Year, 2023!
Welcome back to the Oglala Lakota County School District Schools. I'm Connie Kaltenbach, Superintendent. As we look ahead to the next 365 days, may we have a year of success, victories, and blessings. May we remember to be good relatives to each other with warm hearts and strong spirits.

The new year brings excitement to all that we can accomplish. We are excited for all of our schools to grow academically, to grow in Lakota Language usage, and to grow in support for mental and emotional needs.
Our Mission Statement:
"To strengthen the Lakota identity and values of students and to assure their overall well-being and academic success" is as accurate at the beginning of the year as it is now. We continue to strive to support students in their learning. To make that happen, attendance is so important.
Students will be taking the NWEA MAP assessment in January. We will use the new scores to compare to the student scores in the fall to assess for growth. Our goal is to help students reach grade-level instruction; collecting data to help us with that is very important.
While not fully staffed, we have employed many new people and are excited for them to join our team. We continue to advertise for teachers, paras, custodians, and other positions that we need within the school district. Pass on the word if you know of anyone looking for employment. Please encourage them to check out our website at www.olcsd.com.
Our Lakota Studies Department is nearly fully staffed. This is a very exciting notice as we have wanted to expand the student Lakota Language and a nearly complete staff is important to make that happen.
This year we opened a daycare at the Batesland School site to help staff who needed daycare for their young children. We are pleased to announce the opening of the Rockyford Daycare this week. The daycares are currently for staff needs, but we hope the daycare center coming soon to Lakota Tech will become a training center for Early Childhood Development for our High School students while also serving our students at LTHS and staff.
Coming up this spring, we are looking for our School Okȟólakičhiye parent/guardian and staff groups to begin meeting and planning great activities in each of our schools.
Íŋyaŋ Šála Owáyawa Okȟólakičhiye (Batesland)
Ógle Lúta Owáyawa Okȟólakičhiye (Red Shirt)
Makȟóšiča Owáyawa Okȟólakičhiye (Rockyford)
Šuŋgmánitu Tȟáŋka Wakpála Owáyawa Okȟólakičhiye (Wolf Creek)
Lakota Wówaši Waúŋspe Waŋkátuya Owáyawa Okȟólakičhiye (Lakota Tech)
Wóuŋspe omnáye ogná waúŋspepi Owáyawa Okȟólakičhiye (Virtual High)
Take a drive by the Lakota Tech and Wolf Creek campuses, and you will see the walls of the new construction starting to take shape. We also have over 15 new tenants in our staff housing units. Each component gets our district one step closer to meeting the growth we have experienced in the last couple of years. Construction is exciting but dangerous, so please be cautious of the construction workers.
Athletics are getting in full steam as we start the new year. At Lakota Tech, the wrestlers, basketball teams, and cheerleaders are in competition and doing well. Supporting the district team is a long-term tradition, but we need all kinds of support with a new school. Please join the cheering section and support the home teams. In the middle schools, basketball and cheerleading are up and running, too, with many games within the district.
Activities are equally busy, with many clubs and tutoring going on in the schools. Some schools received musical instruments and are working on some plans for exposing students to learning a musical instrument.
The best advice I can give to staff, students, and families for a successful school year is to:
Be here
Work Hard
Tókša aȟké until you hear my voice on Sunday night.
That's me. You can call me Connie.
January 2023
November 2022
My name is Connie Kaltenbach and I am honored and humbled to be serving as the Oglala Lakota County School District Superintendent.

Happy fall to all,
As we enter fall, we see the end of the first quarter in our schools. Oglala Lakota County has 1729 students in our six schools.
Some excitement in all our schools is the creation of the Oglala Lakota County School District Okȟólakičhiye parent/guardian and staff groups.
Íŋyaŋ Šála Owáyawa Okȟólakičhiye (Batesland)
Ógle Lúta Owáyawa Okȟólakičhiye (Red Shirt)
Makȟóšiča Owáyawa Okȟólakičhiye (Rockyford)
Šuŋgmánitu Tȟáŋka Wakpála Owáyawa Okȟólakičhiye (Wolf Creek)
Lakota Wówaši Waúŋspe Waŋkátuya Owáyawa Okȟólakičhiye (Lakota Tech)
Wóuŋspe omnáye ogná waúŋspepi Owáyawa Okȟólakičhiye (Virtual High)
Parents, guardians, and staff are encouraged to participate in the meetings that will be advertised this month and to get involved in helping the school with academics, attendance, and activities. School support is so needed and we encourage all to consider joining the Okȟólakičhiye in their school.
On the construction front, you may see some big changes on the Wolf Creek campus and the Lakota Tech campus as the building projects begin to take shape. At Wolf Creek, the expansion includes a full-service kitchen and cafeteria. The cafeteria space will also double as a secondary gym and game area in the future. At Lakota Tech you will notice two expansions, one is the addition to a current wing that will include the daycare center. We hope to grow the early childhood component of CTE while also providing a needed service for students and staff. The second expansion is a full, new wing to accommodate the growing needs of Lakota Tech. In the interim, we also have three modular nearly ready for classes to help with space at Lakota Tech this year. It is exciting as we expand to meet the needs of the student population.
On the horizon for next summer will be elementary playground equipment and outdoor classroom spaces. The opportunity to host classes outside will be a great asset to the classes for student engagement and fresh air.
COVID-19 sure set us back, we have had great losses, but we have a strong generation of children who need us to steady the course and support their education. Help us to help students remember what it is like to go to school each day, participate, learn, and experience all that school can offer.
The best advice I can give to staff, students, and families for a successful school year is to:
Be here
Work Hard
Staff and student attendance are vital for the success of a student. Behave in the school setting and beyond. WóLakota uŋyúhapi kta héčha, we must have peace. We all need to work hard. We must put time, effort, and pride into our day so we can reach our goals. To do this, we must set high expectations for ourselves and strive to achieve them.
Tókša aȟké until you hear my voice on Sunday night.
That's me. You can call me Connie.
November 2022
August 2022
My name is Connie Kaltenbach and I am honored and humbled to be serving as the Oglala Lakota County School District Superintendent.

I am a member of the Oglala Sioux Tribe. My dad, myself, and two of my children all took our first breath at the Pine Ridge Hospital on the hill. My granddaughter is the fifth generation in my family to attend school in Lacreek District at Martin Grade School.
I graduated from Oglala Lakota College with a Bachelor's Degree in Education. During my early career, I was a teacher at the Wolf Creek School. I returned to school, completed my Master's Degree in Educational Administration, and was selected to be the Batesland Principal. I served in that role for 10 years and moved to the District office as the Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment for the next 5 years. I went on to get my Specialist in Education Administration--Superintendent from the University of South Dakota. GO Yotes!!
This is my first position as a Superintendent. I want to participate in district events and be a great communicator for the schools to operate to the best that they can. I want students to be safe and successful.
You will hear my voice on Sunday nights when I do the Sunday night call. Additionally, this website will continue to grow and expand for easy access to school information and upcoming events.
That's me. You can call me Connie.
August 2022
LEADERSHIP: We have a great school board helping lead our district towards success. Bryan Brewer, Robert Two Crow, Debbie Blue Bird, Chuck Conroy, and Angie Eagle Bull are serving this year and bringing a wealth of experience in education to their roles. The years in education that the Oglala Lakota COunty School Board has between the five board members has to be over 100 years collectively. It is an exciting and learning experience to work with such great people.
Six Schools: Oglala Lakota County includes six schools across the large county we serve. Batesland School in the southeast corner serves about 170 students each year from Preschool through 8th grade. It is home to our Online Academy this year which includes students in Kindergarten through 8th grade who are working online this year. We have a full team of teachers working specifically with our online students each day. Batesland is also home to our first daycare center. Through great cooperation with OST Childcare, we are able to provide daycare for staff within the facility. Little Eagle's Nest Daycare has been a great employee benefit for the employees at Batesland. We are hoping to grow the daycare option to the other schools very soon.
Batesland is also home to the main site of the Virtual High School. The Virtual High School has been running for 14 years and serves students in 9th-12th grade who work virtually to get their high school diploma. We have additional sites with VHS support at Red Shirt, Rockyford, Wolf Creek and Lakota Tech High School.
Red Shirt school in the northwest corner of the county serves K-8 students and enrollment runs from 40-75 students each year. Red Shirt is a full-service school busing from Oglala each day.
Rockyford School in the northeast corner serves students from Preschool through 8th grade and is our Lakota Immersion School. Each grade level includes one teacher who focuses on conversational Lakota throughout the day in the instruction. We are excited to provide this opportunity for language usage for students. It is encouraging for students and for staff to increase their speaking abilities.
Wolf Creek in the southwest corner is the largest school in our county, serving 600 plus students each year. An amazing feat each day is the transportation team at Wolf Creek as they roll out for student drop-offs each afternoon. The coordination of classes, teachers, bus drivers, food service, custodial, maintenance, and all others activities that happen at Wolf Creek is amazing.
Lakota Tech High School which shares the Wolf Creek campus serves 9th-12th grade students. Enrollment at Lakota Tech is 350 plus each year. This is Lakota Tech's 3rd year. We graduated over 30 seniors in May 2022. Lakota Tech continues to grow and expand the Career Technical Educational opportunities each year. We are offering health, business, law, and media, and continue to work towards construction and auto as we grow and expand.
CONSTRUCTION: We have many projects going on in our district and I am happy to be learning, guiding, and celebrating the changes. Lakota Tech High School has construction going on as we work to expand another wing to accommodate students. A big piece of the addition will be a daycare to help students interested in Early Childhood get a head start while in school.
Construction is also underway at Wolf Creek School as we seek to expand and create a kitchen cafeteria to feed the largest K-8 elementary school in the state. The new section will include the kitchen and a multi-purpose room that will serve as a secondary gym when needed.
Across the road from the Wolf Creek/Lakota Tech facilities, is our housing complex. We plan to add more than 50 homes for teachers and staff in the next few years. We are happy to open up the first of the apartments for the 2022-23 school year.
Other projects include improvements at Batesland, Red Shirt, and Rockyford. We are also excited to announce we will be adding outdoor classroom spaces at all elementary schools in the next year. These spaces will have student activities, but will also allow classes to be held outside when the weather permits. We are excited to bring these to our elementary schools.
EDUCATION: The past few years have impacted education across the world. As we resume instruction, our teachers, instructional coaches, paras, principals, and all others will be working with students to help them meet grade-level tasks and advance as we make plans for the best course of growth for each student. We have some assessments scheduled throughout the year to help us focus on areas students really need. Our early-out Fridays are built into the calendar to allow teachers time to look at the data and make great plans for students.
MISSION STATEMENT: To Strengthen the Lakota identity and values of students and to assure their overall well-being and academic success. As we seek to reach the specific pieces of the mission statement, we are going to work very hard on establishing a time each more to focus on the Lakota identity, safety, and security. We are making our schools as safe as we can. This year we installed metal detectors to keep everyone inside safe. We have a great team of Security Resource Officers to further assist with student and staff safety. We are also working on support through counseling both in person and via telehealth to help the emotional and mental aspects of student safety. We are striving to realize the whole child and Lakota identity of the student. It is my belief that if we can help students feel safe and secure at school, we can open their brains to learning.
MOTTO: Our motto this year which began as the school motto for Rockyford is:
Every Child, Every Day, Whatever it Takes - Waya'wapi Iyu'ha Anpe'tu Iyo'hila Ta'ku ke'eyas.
This year we will strive to reach our motto and when we fall short, we will strive to reach it again. It is through our determination in getting through our failures that we will find success and strength.
I'm happy to be here,
Connie Kaltenbach
This year we will strive to reach our motto and when we fall short, we will strive to reach it again. It is through our determination in getting through our failures that we will find success and strength.
Connie Kaltenbach